Stay Calm and Carry On

Anxiety is a major problem in the US these days. Women have double the risk for anxiety than men and 33% of women have a severe bout at least once in their life. Anxiety is the feeling of prolonged stress that makes you feel 'revved' up. Sometimes, an anxiety disorder stems from poor gut health or from a hormone imbalance. Or, from lack of certain nutrients in your diet. The sustained heightened cortisol can stress your adrenal glands, create hormonal imbalances, increase your blood pressure, and “rev” belly fat, sugar cravings, and insulin levels.

This week, with school starting (or soon!) I know people may begin to feel especially susceptible to it. Here are a few ways to keep calm and carry on!

This is a very base level guide but it can get you started:


1. Avoid blood sugar dips: be sure to eat clean protein to stabilize this. 2. Pause and breathe: kick in that parasympathetic nervous system by taking long, slow deep breaths. Just 5 min of this is a meditation! 3. Be sure you gt your B and D vitamins! Both are natural anxiety remedies. 4. Take down time for you no matter what! Find at least 5 min a day to chill and do something calming. Even if it's 5 min of yoga, it's something good for you.

Good luck! Have fun. And stay calm.

Couldn't resist posting this 'hot dude meditating'...a girls gotta have a little fun. :)