My Summer Medicine Cabinet (non-toxic)

Can you believe it? We've only got three more weeks of school and then we'll be flowing into the glorious days of summer. My boys have been ready for school's end for the last month, but I've only now got my head wrapped around the idea.

I'm getting excited because I look forward to the unstructured days, BBQs, and the excitement of new camps and other summer experiences.With the warmer weather comes a new array of needs, from repelling bugs to soothing gardening hands and easing aching muscles from too much yard work or family wiffle ball.

I believe in using toxin-free products whenever possible, and I seek out alternative resources for common summer issues.

Here’s a peek at what’s in my summer medicine cabinet:

My Non-Toxic Summer Medicine Cabinet

Florasone: For itches, rashes, and inflammation, this natural, safe and effective homeopathic treatment really works.

Arnicare: A homeopathic remedy that uses arnica to treat pain, bruising, muscle aches, and swelling (great for massage, too). Great after a bumpy day!

Sunscreen: My favorite safe, non-toxic sunscreens: Alba 30 - 45 spf (the mineral protection is the best!), Keys Solar Rx (I use this for my face and hands and love its an iridescent quality that makes your skin glow), Badger sunblock for the kiddos' beautiful mugs (I carry a stick around in my purse at all times).

Essential Oils: My summer favorites: Lemongrass helps to ward off bugs naturally, and peppermint freshens breath and soothes the stomach (ice cream cone, anyone?). Tea tree is an anti-viral/anti-fungal oil...use it for cuts and scrapes, athletes foot, warts, acne, dandruff, and much more. A must for your first-aid kit. Wild orange smells like a bright summer day; dab it on your wrists and feel your spirits soar!

Milk Thistle with Dandelion: Too many cocktails last night? Support and detox your liver with milk thistle herb and dandelion.

Unpetroleum Jelly: A petroleum-free jelly lotion by Alba is healthy and protects against chafing. Soothes gardening hands, and even helps with diaper rash.

Xlear: Made with xylitol, a natural sweetener, that is said to help with sinus relief, and clearing nasal passages. Been working beautifully for my highly allergic son!

EO: A natural way to keep your hands germ free. Keep this on hand at airports, grocery stores, and amusement parks.

Bug Out: A DEET-free, non-toxic bug repellant. Made of lemongrass, peppermint, and citronella, and most importantly, this stuff works.

MosquitNo: This all-natural repellant is great to have on hands for your kids and their friends. This DEET-free, non-toxic bracelet lasts for six days, and also works for no-see-ums, fleas, flies, and gnats.

Here's to a happy, healthy summer!