Posts tagged beauty
Why I Ditched ALL My Makeup and Skincare!

A few years ago I visited a dermatologist to ask about a couple brown spots that had shown up on my face and she asked if I’d been wearing sunscreen. Chagrined, I admitted that I hadn’t been doing much of that (I DO live in the PNW for goodness sake), and she told me that they would continue to get darker if I didn’t start to protect them.

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Ready to Makeover Your Makeup?

What you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body! About 15 years ago I realized that what I was eating wasn’t serving me well. I had terrible digestive problems and suffered severe mood swings related to my monthly cycle. I went on an intensive journey that taught me new ways to nourish my body through nutrition, targeted supplementation, and changes in my “wellness” practices.

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