Do You Have Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency?

I'm passionate about making sure my clients, family, and friends make sure they check their Vitamin D levels. I'm a  person who takes large amounts of Vit D, and still have trouble getting the optimal amount (it quickly diminishes during the winter), which should be a minimum of 50ng/ml but optimally be at 70ng/ml+. You can experience all kinds of symptoms if you don't have enough, but here is what it does to do a body good... Vitamin D has been found to:

  • Strengthen bones
  • Reduce tumor growth
  • Lower your risk of cancer
  • Reduce your risk of multiple sclerosis
  • Lower your risk of diabetes

Sadly, there are a number of trace minerals we are deficient in these days that wasn't the case just a couple decades ago? This is SO important to know because they are critical to healthy function in your body.

For instance, did you know that iodine deficiencies are being linked to breast cancer and thyroid issues?

This excerpt below is taken from Dr. John Douillard, my favorite Ayurvedic doctor:

There are a handful of deficiencies we should all be aware of that I call, Deficiencies That Effect More Than Half the World’s Population. Deficiencies are not really on our American radar because 85 years ago we started fortifying foods with the nutrients we are most likely to become deficient in, such as iodine, vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B12 and others. But in the past 30 years things have changed radically.

For example:

  • Americans have 50% less iodine in their blood than they did 30 years ag
  • 78% of Americans and 97% of Canadians (4) are deficient in vitamin D in the winter.
  • As we age, our digestion weakens, our diet becomes more simple and we become B12 deficient.
  • Since 1948 when synthetic fertilizers were introduced, nutrient content in foods have continued to plummet. Even organic foods are depleted. 99% of all Americans are deficient in at least 1 mineral according to a well-publicized 1936 report entitled Document 264 from the Department of Agriculture.
  • Environmental toxins compromise digestive and detox pathways, which leads to deficiency risk.
  • A vast amount of foods eaten in America are processed, rendering them nutritionally vacuous.
  • From 1940-1991, trace minerals in fruits and veggies have declined by up to 70% according to the Journal of Complimentary Medicine in 2001.

If you're scratching your head now and wondering what to do with this information, I would suggest taking a high quality multi/mineral vitamin every day and make sure you're getting something with iodine or start taking seaweed supplements (of course you could just eat more seaweed as well).

As the great Mary Hyman M.D. put it: you don’t need a multi-vit “...ONLY if you eat wild, fresh, whole, organic, local, non-genetically modified food grown in virgin mineral and nutrient soils, and not transported across vast distances and stored for months before eaten… work and live outside, breathe only fresh unpolluted air, drink only pure, clean water, sleep nine hours a night, move your body every day, and are free from chronic stressors and exposures to environmental toxins.”

How can you find the perfect formulation, you ask? Look for the following:

  • Complete. Based on the latest nutritional science, women need at least 30 vitamins and minerals, plus a rich essential fatty acid formula (i.e., EPA and DHA).
  • Bioavailable. The nutrient forms must be the most bioavailable. And of course it must meet USP standards for solubility.
  • Natural. No artificial preservatives, dyes, allergens or other contaminants. The fatty acid formula (derived from marine lipids) must be certified to be free of mercury and lead.
  • Laboratory tested. As is true for pharmaceutical drugs, every production batch of a nutritional supplement must be tested in a laboratory (i.e., “standardized”) to ensure that it contains exactly what is on its label.
  • Makes a difference. You are the final test. If the nutritional supplement doesn’t make you feel better within the first 30 days, try another formula. It may not resolve all your symptoms in that time, but you should feel a real improvement.

I love the one you can purchase from my online supplement store (everything on this site is the highest quality and tested), but you can find other great multi's at holistic health clinics or high quality health food stores. If you would like to purchase from me, you will need to set up an account (this is painless and easy) by putting in your email and the provider code: embracehealthwellness