Saying YES

We're just days from the Spring equinox and I'm feeling the energy shift... more time outdoors, more fresh produce, and more light. But for me, the spring can also be quite stressful if I'm not careful to manage my time. My kids' schedules are madcap with overlapping sports and activities, and then add school functions and work and it's a recipe for health disaster. I want to share something that I think is vital to your health. Often, we think about being healthy and all the things we should do and it may just feel like one more thing to add to your list. I truly understand that sentiment. We are constantly on the go: working, running the household, folding laundry, making meals, organizing committees and fundraisers, cooking for friends in need -- the list goes on and on!

With these busy, stressful lives, how can we find time to care for ourselves?

I invite you to ponder a vital question: What can you let go of? 

Write down your week's to-do list, even if it's quite long (it usually is!). Now ponder... what is one thing you can let go of? If not forever, then for at least this week? What's on that ever-growing list that may not be serving you?

Perhaps you've been volunteering for something that doesn't bring you joy, and doesn't really need you. Perhaps it's something somebody else can do. Or maybe you can get back to it in a few weeks, when you know your schedule is going to be more manageable.

I bet there's something on your list that you can cross off. Maybe a couple things!

Delete that non-essential item, then take the time you get back to do something pleasurable for YOU. Take a nap. Play a board game with your kids. Or tackle next week's meal planning because you know your life will be sooo much easier if you do.

Enjoy that extra time. Say YES to some self-care. I can't wait to hear from you to see how it goes and what it feels like.

In love, health, and healing bubble baths!
