Posts tagged gut health
20 Wellness Ideas for the New Year!

Today's wellness ideas are meant to be a list of simple and easy things to incorporate into your daily life to help with your overall well-being. They cover the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life, which I believe make up holistic wellness. I don't do all of these every day, but I do incorporate most of them each week. I find when I do, I'm better able to help those around me and show up for my life as the best version of myself.

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Wanna feel HAPPIER?

But what about happiness? That can be elusive these days as well. You may be somebody who struggles to find it regularly, or perhaps you could just use a little more of it in general (who couldn't?). So today I thought I'd share a bit of information on something that we have some control over...The Happy Hormones.

Almost all hormones have some influence on mood—including sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone as well as stress hormones like cortisol, but there's a small group of hormones that have a particularly large amount of influence. They include:

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Losing weight is almost NEVER just about the food you eat

Well, for one, it's because "diets" are all about restriction and deprivation, and that's an incredibly hard thing to sustain. I've seen so many women follow a plan perfectly, lose the weight...but then months later gain it back because it wasn't a sustainable plan to begin with. It

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