Posts tagged women over 50
20 Wellness Ideas for the New Year!

Today's wellness ideas are meant to be a list of simple and easy things to incorporate into your daily life to help with your overall well-being. They cover the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life, which I believe make up holistic wellness. I don't do all of these every day, but I do incorporate most of them each week. I find when I do, I'm better able to help those around me and show up for my life as the best version of myself.

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How to have strong bones through perimenopause and menopause

After we turn 30 we begin to lose bone density, which accelerates at perimenopause and really advances once we hit menopause around 50.

Menopause dramatically speeds up bone loss. After menopause, your ovaries stop producing the hormone estrogen, which helps keep your bones strong.

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