What you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body! About 15 years ago I realized that what I was eating wasn’t serving me well. I had terrible digestive problems and suffered severe mood swings related to my monthly cycle. I went on an intensive journey that taught me new ways to nourish my body through nutrition, targeted supplementation, and changes in my “wellness” practices.
Read MoreOn this penultimate day of school I decided to get up a little earlier and make the boys these delicious pancakes. You won't know they're gluten free! And I love that they're full of fiber so they're really filling. Today, I used unsweetened cashew milk instead of almond milk and they were just as good. Also, the boys don't like coconut oil so I used good ol' fashioned butter in the pan (grass-fed of course!). :)
Read MoreWanna know what I suggest to all of my 1-on-1 clients about now? Here it is. It's time to get yourself onto a quality, broad spectrum probiotic. Probiotics add healthy bacteria to your digestive tract, creating balance and a strong immunity. Did you know that 70% of your immunity is located there, in your digestive tract?
Read MoreIt's becoming common knowledge that inflammation is the root of most modern disease. While we need some inflammation to help heal the body from things like ankle sprains or a sore throat, low-grade chronic inflammation is associated with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease.
Read MoreI love putting this healthy holiday gift guide together for you every year. While I don't have a ton of time to list everything I love, I try to get a wide range of gifts that cover body, mind, and soul. And of course, many of these are on MY list! Santa, are you listening?
Read MoreAlright coffee drinkers, this is for you!
Every time I lead a program that eliminates coffee there's a lot of grief and anxiety. People LOVE their morning ritual and I get it. I love it too. Who doesn't love the smell, and the quick pick-me-up it delivers?
Read MoreHello lovely, Can you believe the holidays are upon us? I'm trying to wrap my brain around it already being November. I think I feel like this every year, and every year I'm shocked that it comes so fast. Then, I vow to stay peaceful, grounded, keep my gift buying to only extremely meaningful experiences or gifts, keep my good digestion intact, and not gain weight. Sound familiar?
Read MoreI am a big proponent of matcha green tea so I wanted to share a fun new Matcha Coconut Latte recipe with you today! Matcha is a special type of powdered green tea that is grown and produced in Japan (usually). The green tea leaves are shaded from the sun for the last few weeks of their growth, increasing the chlorophyll content and creating a gorgeous green color. Then, the leaves are carefully ground with stone grinding wheels to produce a fine powder.
Read MoreHappy fall! Can you believe it's here already? While I am still wishing there were hot, sunny days, I am looking at the beautiful fall colors and focusing on being present and accepting What IS.
Read MoreIt's officially fall and here in the Seattle area it's been beautiful for the last few days. The leaves are turning color, there's a lovely crispiness in the air, and everywhere you look there's a pumpkin spice something or other!
Read MoreHaving a healthy, slow-cooked meal ready when you walk in the door at night might just be one of the sweetest moments of your long, busy day. I don’t know about you, but by the end of most of my days, I’m tuckered out and the idea of planning and cooking a meal is a drag. Enter these 10 slow-cooker meals! All using whole, clean food. All simply delicious.
Read MoreWhile I love the laid back days of summer (hello Boulder, hello Pritchard Park, hello sleeping in!), I always look forward to getting back into my fall routine. Why? Because I love connecting with busy women like YOU -- I absolutely love what I do. Getting to work with amazing women is such a gift, and I look forward to leaping into my practice once all the summer fun is done. This summer I started my newest educational journey, which is to go deep into the study of functional medicine/nutrition.
Read MoreAnxiety is a major problem in the US these days. Women have double the risk for anxiety than men and 33% of women have a severe bout at least once in their life.
Read MoreAs you know by now, I'm always on the look-out to help women balance their hormones naturally, and recently came across a new large study conducted in the Journal For Women's Health that is linking higher levels of C-Reactive Proteins to PMS.
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