Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark
Healthy Girl's Gift Guide
“Dazzle ‘Em” Quinoa Delight
Healthy Holiday Gameplan
In My (Holistic) Fall Medicine Cabinet
Mind + Body + SpiritStephanie Daltonashwagande, elderberry, multi-vit, oils, OnGuard, oregano, probiotics, turmeric, Vit C, zinc
Black Bean Brownie
4 Weeks In...Our Auto-Immune Journey
Could there be some actual healing going on here? Auto-Immune Paleo
My Auto-Immune Paleo Diet Journey -- Week 1
Fermented Sauerkraut
Healthy Habit Challenge #5: Eat Fermented Foods (Essential!)
Mind + Body + Spirit, NutritionStephanie DaltonADD, artificial colors, cancer, clean food, excitotoxin, MSG, neurotoxin, nitrates, nitrites, preservatives, whole food
Healthy Habits Challenge #4: Just Breathe
Mind + Body + Spirit, NutritionStephanie Daltonadrenal fatigue, breath, breathe, broccoli, brussel sprouts, calm, cancer prevention, circulation, dehydration, detox, Energy, greens, gut flora, healthy habits, kale, rest, spinach, swiss chard, water
Healthy Habit Challenge #3: Whole Clean Foods IN, Toxin Gunk OUT
Mind + Body + Spirit, NutritionStephanie DaltonADD, artificial colors, cancer, clean food, excitotoxin, MSG, neurotoxin, nitrates, nitrites, preservatives, whole food
Healthy Habits Challenge: Get Your Greens On!
Mind + Body + Spirit, NutritionStephanie Daltonbroccoli, brussel sprouts, cancer prevention, circulation, dehydration, detox, greens, gut flora, healthy habits, kale, spinach, swiss chard, water
Healthy Habits Challenge: Drink up!
Healthy Habits 10 Day Challenge
Get a better workout in less time with HIIT!
High-Energy Drop Cookies (gluten & dairy free)
Snacks, UncategorizedStephanie Daltonalmond butter, coconut, dairy free, gluten-free, healthy food, healthy snack, honey, oats, power bar
My Summer Medicine Cabinet (non-toxic)
Mind + Body + Spirit, UncategorizedStephanie DaltonAlba, Badget, bug out, dandelion, essential oils, florasone, healthy, itch, Keys, medicine cabinet, milk thistle, mosquitno, mosquito bite, rash, sunblock, xlear
Being healthy ain't easy